Stomach in knots

Okay, when Caitlyn was just a little baby we were told that she would need a CT Scan to rule out any additional issues with her hearing loss and they said to do this between 12 and 18 months old. She is now 14 months old and tomorrow is the day. After 2:30 am she isn't allowed to have any solid foods and after 6:30 am she can't have any clear liquids either. We plan on giving her some jello at 6am and hope it will tide her over till after the procedure.

Since she is a baby still they have to sedate her for the scan. I am sure she will not be pleased with this. Thankfully, her daddy has taken the day off to be with her. I will go to the scan and then go to work after. I am positive I will be nervous all day!

We have to be there an hour early, maybe she will be better running around CHOP and getting into things there. I am not sure how I am feeling about what the results will be or even how bad they could be.

I am off to try to relax. I am sure tomorrow will be a long day for all of us.

Here is a fun picture to leave you with...

I have to add one more thing. Just a few minutes ago I was talking to Q about tomorrow and what the CT scan is for. As usual we aregue about it. Then I ask him what is wrong with Cait's hearing. He doesn't even know, he said mild/moderate hearing loss. No Shit Sherlock. She has had Bilateral Sensorineural Hearing Loss for 14 months and he can't even remember that. Yes, it is in the mild/moderate range but that doesn't tell anyone anything. K, done.


susan said...

We'll be thinking 'bout you guys all day... sending you lots of "positive results" vibes. Let me know what/when you find out.

As for Q not knowing his ass from a hole in the ground, I mean, Cait's diagnosis, well, he is male, after all. If he gets pants and shoes on before the appointment, you can count yourself lucky!!!

Angela said...

Sending good vibes your way ...